It Goes Too Fast

All 3 girls' wit and wisdom saved for posterity

How do you know it’s been too long since you’ve posted?

When you can’t remember the name of the blog and have to check your home page on Facebook.

Wow, do I suck!

Yes, it’s now 2015. Alison and Rebecca turned 4 last month. We had multiple small family parties and they thought life was grand. Cake and presents, some balloons thrown in and they were thrilled. Ali is the sweet one, she only gets her ‘homicidal’ face when you cross her. She got so mad at me one day she kicked me in the shin. And then she looked as shocked as I did. For the most part she goes with the flow. Ali likes to go out: shopping with Mom, errands with Dad, lunch with Aunt Sandie, she’ll do just about anything.

Becca is the funny one, our class clown. She makes animal noises, tells jokes and is fairly cranky. She also doesn’t like to do things she isn’t good at and wants to take ballet cause she’s had enough of gymnastics. Occasionally, the twins can be seen holding hands walking in the mall or even out back, but for the most part they do their own thing.

Cassidy just turned 7. She’s addicted to her iPad, gets straight As and glowing comments on her report card and can do math in her head. She loves to read, but hates to write (too hard!) and hasn’t missed a spelling word all year. Yes, I’m bragging, because I work hard getting that homework done! Cassidy is a master negotiator which regularly leads to he being punished for ‘badgering.’ No answer is good enough. She is mostly kind to her sisters, although she knows how to push their buttons and occasionally gets so frustrated she growls at them. (Lots of animal noises around here.) Cassidy loves the outdoors and animals and her favorite toys right now are her digi-birds that sing and talk. She was taking gymnastics and ice skating until she fractured the growth plate in her ankle last weekend (walking out of gymnastics). I know it’s too early to predict, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she became a zookeeper or veterinarian.

The best is when all 3 girls are getting along and having a good time. It never lasts long but it does happen. They’re good girls, mostly kind, definitely smart and crazy funny. Not much else I can ask for. Until next year… (just kidding, probably only 6 months or so…)

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Matteo already said he was going to marry me. I need to marry the boy I know the longest cause that way I know him best. Doesn’t that make sense Mom?

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